what can you do to help stop Domestic violence ?



Help Raise Awareness

Talk about domestic violence to friends and family. Let them know that physical abuse isn’t the only form of domestic violence and that this is a common issue in our community. Often, people you are close to suffer in silence. Use this month as an opportunity to let your loved ones know that if they ever need someone to talk to, or a safe place to stay, they can depend on you.

Teach and Model Healthy Relationships

Learning healthy relationship skills is essential in domestic violence prevention. It’s important to talk to our children about these skills, but talking isn’t enough. We need to model these in our own relationships. 


Recognize Relationship Red Flags

If you feel like your partner or someone you care about has a partner that is potientially abusive, look for these red flags. 

  • Giving assertive looks or actions that scare you
  • Controlling where you go, who you see, or what you do
  • Discouraging you from seeing friends or family
  • Controlling all finances and not giving you money for expenses
  • Not allowing you to make your own decisions
  • Threatening you with custody of your children
  • Preventing you from employment or education opportunities
  • Blaming you for the abuse 
  • Destroying your property
  • Threatening to commit suicide if you leave
  • Intimidating you with weapons, such as, guns or knives
  • Slapping, shoving, hitting, or choking you
  • Threatening to hurt you
  • Preventing birth control or pressuring you into pregnancy even when you’re not ready
  • Forcing or pressuring you into sex when you don’t feel like it or into sexual acts you’re uncomfortable with

Particpate in the TransformHer5K or the Lee Newton Strenth of a Woman5k

We are blessed to have TWO 5K fundraisers being held in our honor this month. By participating in one of these, you have an opportunity to help our domestic violence shelter assist women and children in living lives free of violence. TransformHer5K is being held on October 9th, 2021 and the Lee Newton Strength of a Woman 5K is being held on October 23rd, 2021. 


Make a Monetary Donation

Every single donation goes a long way! It doesn’t matter if you have $1 to give or $1,000. We appreciate every dollar that our agency is given. Without donations and fundraising events from our community, we could not sustain what we do. Many do not understand that we are required to match most of our grants at 40%. This means that for every $100 our agency spends, a grant will cover $60 of it and they require us to pay the balance.

Take a Selfie

Visit the beautiful Purple Martin Greenway Trail  and check-out the mail box for anyomous domestic violence stories, and take a selfie using the the hashtag #putanendtodomesticviolence




Particpate in Purple Thursday

Purple Thursday is a national day of action each Thursday in October. Wear purple on Thursday’s or you can also coordinate a wear purple day any day in the month of October! Talk to your friends & family, or your colleagues at work, about  when your wear purple day will be. Make sure to send your pictures to shellyharris@familyresourcesrc.org or use the hashtags  #RCwearspurple #FRRC #putanendtodomesticviolence and tag Family Resources of Rutherford County in your pictures.


Follow us on social media

Follow Family Resource’s of Rutherford County on Facebook & Instagram to see posts about and learn the facts of domestic violence through the month of October. 


Make your own social media posts

Post about domestic violence on your social media accounts, or share the posts of Family Resources.



“October is a time to help our community members learn the important role they play in normalizing unhealthy relationships, teach our youth to recognize the red flags of abuse, and to recognize that we never know what goes on behind closed doors. Domestic Violence doesn’t care where you live or how much money is in your bank account. It can happen to anyone.”

Libby Mullinax

Client Services Coordinator-Path Shelter

“Working with vicitms of domestic violence for over twenty years has taught me more than I ever would have known working in another field. Victims aren’t just victims. They are strong, powerful women that have been made to believe they don’t have another choice.  They have been conditioned to believe that their strength is non-existant. It is our job to help them find their strength again.”

Kelly Hudson

Finance Director, Former Director of Shelter Services

” My role has enabled me to see the impacts of domestic violence from many levels and it breaks my heart to know that one of the greatest effects of domestic violence isn’t just on the victims emotional and physical well-being, but also on the children present in the home. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Monkey see, monkey do. ” Domestic violence is a vicious cycle and often repeats itself for many generations.

Through the Path Shelter, Clara Allen Family Center, and Noah’s House we work extremely hard to break those cycles with combined efforts.”



Sherry Bright

Executive Director, Family Resources of Rutherford County

Take back the crown 21′


Take Back the Crown 21′ is held the last week of October, Domestic Violencce Awareness Month, to help encourage participation in raising awareness of domestic violence, encouraging healthy relationships in our community, and helping victims take back their freedom, control, and independence. 

How to Participate

1.  Find a crown or tiara for you, your children, grandparents, even pets! You can even download one          here.

2.  Print the Take Back the Crown Sign and write down one way that you can help a victim of                       domestic violence or a word that describes a healthy relationship.

3.  Take a picture with your crown and sign, this can be done individually, as a 

     group, inside or outside, at our pinwheel garden… anywhere with anyone!

4.  Post your picture to your social media pages using the hashtags 

     #takebackthecrown21′ #frrc #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth and any other 

     hashtags that your heart desires!