News and Events

17th Annual Auction Coming Soon!
Our annual online auction, Power of the Purse & Pocket is coming soon and we hope you’ll save the dates! The auction will begin at 6 p.m. on May 3rd and end at 6 p.m. on May 5th. This is the perfect opportunity to have a little competitive fun, win bids on some great items, and support survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.
All you have to do is click the image above and follow directions on the start date.

Wear Blue Day Coming Soon!
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month! Our agency gets excited about this every year. We will be kicking the month off by celebrating the national Wear Blue Day on April 1st. Pull your blue gear out and show it off by taking pictures to share on social media platforms. you can even tag us in them by using the hashtags #FRRC #wetakeprideinourchildren and #wewearblue.

Executive Director Named Town Citizen of the Year
We, at Family Resources, are honored to announce that our executive director, Sherry Bright, was named Forest City’s town citizen of the year. Sherry is very passionate about her service to Family Resources and the community as a whole. We are proud of you Sherry and thankful to be under your leadership!
– Your “Family”

27th Annual Holiday Tour
Our 27th Annual Holiday Tour was nothing short of magical. Thanks to Tony & Amy Helton lending us their historic home this weekend, we were able to raise funds needed for the programs we provide. Thank you to all that came out to view the home and for those that donated regardless of your ability to make it out to see us. The money that was raised will be used to help our clients at the PATH Shelter, Noah’s House, and Clara Allen Family Center. We cannot begin to express our gratefulness to you all in a way that is deserving.
-Family Resources of Rutherford County

A Heart's Blessings
On February 20th, we held our annual A Heart’s Blessing’s fundraiser. Many individuals and organizations participated in this event by ordering a Chick-Fil-A lunch that we delivered to them.
By participating in this luncheon, you helped the families at The PATH Shelter, Noah’s House, and Clara Allen Family Center.
Thank you to all that participated. We could not provide the services that we do without the continuous support of our amazing community!
Family Resources Employees Recognized by Department of Social Service as SaySo Supporters
This month, Vera & Shelly, were both recognized for their involvement with Rutherford County’s local SaySo group on their FaceBook Page.
We are proud of them for stepping outside of their job duties and giving back to the community.
Here’s what was said about Vera:
Meet Vera, a SaySo adult supporter and a great advocate for youth in foster care. Vera has spent many years dedicating her time and attention to needs of youth through her career and work with Noah’s House group home. Many of our teens know and love Mrs. Vera! “What I love about Sayso is that they provide an opportunity for youth in foster and extended care on how to become leaders, transition into adulthood and helping them overcome their everyday struggles.”
Here’s what was said about Shelly:
Meet Shelly Harris, a supporter of SaySo. Shelly has provided a space for our growing chapter to meet in the past, led financial workshops for our teens and will be coming out in March to speak to our youth and help our young adults in extended care with their personal budgets and the challenges that they are facing. We are always excited to work with Shelly and love the passion that she has for working with youth.
“Two years ago, I met Dena Guffey and she shared her experiences with SaySo with me. To say that I was impressed by this program would be an understatement. I have been fortunate enough to volunteer with SaySo and the experience was incredible. It’s sad when we think about the possibilities of life after being released from DSS custody. SaySo gives teens the opportunity to learn and plan for that life so that it can be a transition that is welcomed rather than feared. There just isn’t anything else that is like it. It makes me proud to know that our community has embraced a program like SaySo.”
-Shelly Harris
If you want to know more about SaySo, click on the link below

Looking for Activities During Stay-at-Policy?

We Wear Blue
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. In honor of this special month, our staff & community partners wore blue on April 3rd.
We may not always wear blue, but we are committed to serving the children in our community and taking a stand against child abuse every day.
To view the photos of other staff and community members wearing blue, please click the link below
Today is Wear Blue Day! Celebrate the positive connections in your life and raise awareness during Child Abuse…
Posted by Family Resources of Rutherford County on Friday, April 3, 2020

2020 Child Abuse Prevention Button Contest
The Clara Allen Family Center, a division of Family Resources, invites students to participate in our annual Child Abuse Prevention Button Contest. All 4th & 5th graders in Rutherford County are given the opportunity to submit their entries. This contest allows us to open the lines of communication with students regarding child abuse and gives them a moment of empowerment.
This contest requires critical thinking, creativity, and compassion. We are proud to host this event each year and it is an honor to view hundreds of entries. The entries go through a complicated voting process and each student’s hard work stands out.
Typically, all of the participants are invited to a very special ceremony and the awards are presented there.
This year, with our world’s current crisis in place, we were unable to hold that ceremony. It saddens us, but we plan to present the children with their awards at a later date & time.
Thank you to all of the students that participated in this year’s event!
Thank you to all of the teachers for continuing to make this activity possible!
Your 2020 Child Abuse Prevention Button Contest Winners are …….
1st Place- Lily Kate Oglesby
Lily is a 4th grader at Ellenboro Elementary
2nd Place- Lilly Parton
Lilly is a 5th grader at Trinity Christian Academy
3rd Place- Madalyn Wease
Madalyn is 5th grader at Cliffside Elementary
3rd Place- Parker Bradley
Parker is a 4th grader at Harris Elementary
To view photos of the winning participants and their buttons, please click the link below.
During COVID-19 Triple P Offers Free Online Parenting Course to All NC Residents
Parenting can be hard any time, but during the new Stay-at-Home, parenting expectations are harder than ever to meet. Triple P is an evidenced based postive parenting curriculum designed to help parents juggle the challenges of parenting. During this time, they are now offering a free course to all NC Residents.
What are you waiting for?
Click on the image above to create your FREE account!

Prevent Child Abuse NC Partners with the NC Division of Social Services During COVID-19
The NC Department of Social Services and Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina have partnered during these times to bring you the this official parent guide. The guide discusses adjustments for your family, gives you access to helpful resources and explains the Five Protective Factors. We our honored to share this with you.

Series of Free Child Abuse Prevention Training
Knowing that you can protect your children is the best feeling in the world. The Monique Burr Foundation for Children, gives all parents and professionals an opportunity to have that confidence with their series of child abuse prevention trainings. Topics such as bullying, child abuse and exploitation are discussed throughout the series and tips are provided for parents to help take proper steps in preventing thier child become a victim.
If you’re ready to enroll in this free training click on the image.
Facebook Awards Family Resources With $25,000
Family Resources of Rutherford County is pleased to announce it has received a $25,000 grant from Facebook. These funds will support PPE and technology needed to continue services for domestic violence and parenting classes, trauma-focused behavioral therapy, and virtual check-ins.
“The COVID -19 crisis was unexpected, and our organization had to quickly adapt to continue to provide services to our community during the stay-at-home policy,” said Sherry Bright, Executive Director of Family Resources of Rutherford County. “These funds will ensure our organization is prepared to not only continue providing services remotely but enhance our current service delivery.”
“I would like to personally thank Facebook for their generosity. These funds will allow us to continue to provide quality services to clients during this time. We will be prepared if a second wave occurs and when other unplanned events transpire. Rutherford County is fortunate to have gained a community partner such as Facebook. “
“The work that Family Resources does in Rutherford County is a critical service, especially during these unique times brought on by COVID-19,” said Katie Comer, Facebook Community Development Regional Manager. “We are grateful for their support of this community, which we’re proud to call home to our data center, our employees, and their families.”
Facebook has been part of the Rutherford County community since 2010 when they broke ground on their data center.

Giving Tuesday Goal Met
This year, Family Resources set out to reach a goal of $5,000 in donations on Giving Tuesday. Thanks to the support from our community that goal was met. The money you donated will help our organization to continue supporting victims of domestic violence and child abuse.

Community Comes Together for Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is Child Abuse Prevention month and our agency invited our agency partners, clients, employees, schools, and community to help us bring awareness to child abuse and take a stand for prevention. Pictured, is the Forest City Police Department participating in “Wear Blue Day.” We were grateful to watch our community come together for “Wear Blue Day”, as well as, purchasing our child abuse prevention shirts (which you can still get by clicking on ‘Shop’), stopping by our pinwheel garden to take pictures, and participating in our “CAP-Off” Child Abuse on the last day of the month.

Ultimate Textile Gives Family Resources of Rutherford County $40,000
The Royal Dragons Motorcycle club has helped Family Resources raise $7,000 in the past year towards a new van for Noah’s House. Knowing that the agency was so far away from its goal was daunting, but Rocky Guarriello, owner of Ultimate Textile, Inc. took a leap of faith and decided to donate $40,000. Rocky has supported Family Resources in the past and we are lucky to have his support now. The kids at Noah’s House love their new van!